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Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Pink Googly

Here is another "Googly" doll, that I just finished!

She is my interpretation of a Googly doll.

I hand-sculpted the original head in Paperclay.  The clothing is all handmade by me.  There is old-stock garter trim on her dress.  The sleeves (and her "knickers") are made of old-stock crepe-du-chine fabric  from the 1930s.  I made her hat from new hat-straw, and handmade her booties and wig.  The photo above was taken with the stand underneath, which distorted her dress. 

She took many months, because I worked on making a pattern for her dress, tried to get the wig just right, and the summer was so busy.

Here's her pigtail look, using new ribbon for hair ties:

Thank you for taking a peek.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Sequins and Binky

I've been working on Binky, a doll for the Art Doll Quarterly circus challenge, and painted his face the other night.

It's been quite a process trying to find him the "right" hat.   You don't want the hat to compete with the eyes.  The scale of decoration on the hat has to be the right size.  And, it all has to co-ordinate; but not too much, because after all, it's a clown.  So you have to throw out the rules there, too.  After trying the pompoms (I have bought way too many pompoms) above, I tried for a smaller "dot," and tried metal sequins.  I ripped sequins off of some new, outrageous hologram-sequinned fabric.  These sequins flash every shade of color there is, changing with the light. 

I wondered how did they sew all those sequins on the net? 

This gave me a neat piece of netting, with sequins falling off of it.  Love making new things look tattered. 

I swear it seemed that Binky was getting excited over the sequins too ....

There are more decisions to make about his costume.   But, he might end up with a sequined hat.  I think he is hoping for one!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Changing My Mind

I have been busy making a circus-themed doll, for the Art Doll Quarterly magazine circus doll challenge.  The deadline is September 15.

I sculpted the doll over a cloth body, along with three dogs, in Paperclay.  She was to hold rings for them to jump through.  I was going to crackle and antique the dogs, and was calling them in my mind the "crackle dogs"... "Snap, Crackle and Pop."  The one going through the ring is Pop. 

I liked the dogs, and the doll; but after getting most of the project done, except for hemming everything, I had to admit:  the doll's face wasn't very cheery, for a circus. 

I often, when a project is almost done, go off on a tangent or something, and try something else.  

So, I decided to try
a different doll, using a head that I sculpted a few months ago.  Here is a work-in-progress picture, below. 

I made his hat by stretching felt around a finial, securing it with a rubber band, pulling the felt very tight and then painting it with diluted Elmer's Glue.  Then let dry.

Tentative name... Binky.  or maybe Emile.  I think it's important to feel cheered when you look at your work, and he makes me feel happier.  Hopefully I can get him and the dogs done by the mailing deadline. 

It's Pouring Rain!

A wonderful rainstorm just came overhead and dumped water on us!

It's raining in Sonora!  Hopefully the Rim Fire will be doused!   
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