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Friday, April 12, 2013

Flowers and Soil

The soil is warming up, and the seeds are washed of their casings by Spring rains, and the heat is not quite on yet....

I want to see what Spring is bringing!

Forms and Shapes

I made a pattern for the larger doll, and at first she had broader shoulders.  I dropped and narrowed her shoulders a little, and this makes her look a little more relaxed. 

She's going to be just over 29 inches. 

I sculpted her head first.  Her head is a little narrower up top
than the very roundest Izannah Walker baby-head shape.  
But, a round babylike head would be odd at this point.  She just all came together as this figure, after some adjustment of her limb length.  

I hope she will have the unknown-age look which the Izannah Walkers tend to have.

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