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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finishing the Garden Hat

Here is how I finished making the larger doll's "garden hat."  I had made the framework using floral wire, and it seemed to work, so I continued from there.  I cut a piece of stretchy, thin cotton larger than the "crown."  Then, I pinned the edges of it around the crown circle, so there would be looseness in the middle.  I figured, it has to be loose in the middle for the head to go there, right?


 I sewed a piece of cotton seam binding tape around the pinned edges to bind them neatly, and tried it on the doll.  It sat okay on her head. 

Then I covered the whole thing in old lace netting, simply putting the frame on the netting and then wrapping the netting around to the top -- pinned it in many places.  Then did a lot of hand-sewing to tack it together at the crown and around the rim, and secure down all the lace embroidery. 

Simple.   Ribbons flowers made it cute, I think. 

and it makes a doll hat that Esmeralda will enjoy when she is done. 
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