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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Old Yeller

When I saw that Gail Wilson carries a special paint to make white fabrics look yellowed with age, I thought ah, now we are getting to the nitty gritty!  Special products to make white fabrics look stiff and yellow and old.  Yay! 

I have aged fabric before using tea, coffee, spray starch, bleach, and sometimes turn the fabric around to use the backside.  

Here is a picture showing white eyelet before and after using Gail Wilson's yellowing product:

The sample above, I left to soak in the solution for five minutes.  The shirt on the Tam O'Shanter boy, I soaked for less time.  You can always soak it again, for longer, so best to start with only a minute or two. 

It doesn't have an odor to use, but it does smell somewhat if you iron the dry fabric later.  Nothing bad though.  it does change the texture of fabric to be stiffer. 

When the fabric is all dry, it has no odor. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bun and Basket Put Away

And now the sun is blasting 
The moss has turned quite sere.
Yet we will put bun and basket away
Until Spring, next year.

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