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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finishing the Garden Hat

Here is how I finished making the larger doll's "garden hat."  I had made the framework using floral wire, and it seemed to work, so I continued from there.  I cut a piece of stretchy, thin cotton larger than the "crown."  Then, I pinned the edges of it around the crown circle, so there would be looseness in the middle.  I figured, it has to be loose in the middle for the head to go there, right?


 I sewed a piece of cotton seam binding tape around the pinned edges to bind them neatly, and tried it on the doll.  It sat okay on her head. 

Then I covered the whole thing in old lace netting, simply putting the frame on the netting and then wrapping the netting around to the top -- pinned it in many places.  Then did a lot of hand-sewing to tack it together at the crown and around the rim, and secure down all the lace embroidery. 

Simple.   Ribbons flowers made it cute, I think. 

and it makes a doll hat that Esmeralda will enjoy when she is done. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rainy Monday

We got a wonderful soaking rain yesterday,

welcome always.   

The dove in the background sitting on the low wall wants to get water from the birdbath, but there is water in the air.  What to do?

Doll Body Shapes

It's interesting to see how different doll shapes can be.   This pic doesn't show it that well, but on the left is a doll body using my new pattern I made for the Googly dolls, and on the right is a doll using Gail Wilson's Columbian doll pattern. 

Quite different, although the same length.

I discovered wooden eagles at Michael's.  Yay!  They would go with the Columbian doll.  

I painted them with Martha Stewart gold metallics paint, it goes on kind of goopy.  Not a thick paint. 
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